Legal notice
Website publisher
The website www.literie-bonnet.com is the property of the company Literie Bonnet.
SAS with a capital of 50,000 euros.
Head office : 2 rue Claude Girard, 25770 Vaux-les-Prés.
RCS Besançon 309 704 948.
Website publication director: Stéphane Coulot.
The developer is the company Comnet SAS (trade name: Net&Tic)
SAS with a share capital of 8,000 euros.
RCS Besançon 829 288 877.
Website host
97 bis rue Général Mangin
38100 GRENOBLE – Tel: 04 82 53 02 10
Access to the Website
Access to the Website is open to all users, natural or legal persons, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure and subject to maintenance operations on the Website and difficulties linked to the structure of the communication networks.
The use of the Website is entirely free of charge. However, the equipment (computer, telephone, software, means of telecommunication, etc.) allowing access to the Website is at the exclusive expense of the users, as are the costs of connection to the Internet network.
The user is personally responsible for the knowledge required to use the Internet and to access the Website.
In order to access certain services offered on the Website, the user must enter an identifier and a password of at least 6 alphanumeric characters. These access codes allow the user to access a personalized environment. The user is responsible for the use of his/her access codes, which he/she undertakes not to disclose to third parties. In the event of loss of access codes and/or fraudulent use of access codes by a third party, the user undertakes to inform the Publisher without delay. In any event, the Publisher shall not be liable for any use by third parties of the material on the personal areas of the Website, nor for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the Website.
Respect for legislation and public order
All users are prohibited from using the Website and/or its content to disseminate content that is contrary to public order and morality and to any legislative or regulatory provision in force. In particular, all users are prohibited from publishing, in relation to the Website
– any information infringing the personality rights of third parties of an abusive, defamatory, racist or xenophobic nature, or damaging to the honour or reputation of others, or inciting discrimination or racial hatred, or threatening a person or group of persons or of a pornographic or pedophilic nature;
– any information of a violent nature, or advocating war crimes, or which is insulting or rude;
– any information that contravenes legislation on intellectual property rights;
– any information of a commercial or advertising nature (except with the prior, written, and express authorization of the Publisher);
– any information that contravenes the legislation on the protection of personal data.
Personal data
Some elements of the Website require prior registration by the user: registration to receive the newsletter. In this case, personal data will be requested from the user: surname, first name and e-mail address.
The user is also informed that, when visiting the Website, a cookie may be automatically installed on his/her browser. A cookie is a block of data that does not allow the user to be identified individually; however, it records information relating to browsing (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) that can be read during subsequent visits. For example, cookies make it possible to simplify access to the Website by avoiding the need for the user to enter identification information each time the Website is consulted.
The use of cookies also allows the Publisher to monitor traffic and improve the use of its website.
The user acknowledges that he/she has been informed of this practice and authorizes the Publisher to use it.
The user may, if he/she wishes, deactivate these cookies by modifying the preferences of his/her browser.
In addition, the information collected is likely to be subject to computer processing for the management of data for commercial and customer relations purposes.
In accordance with Articles 32 and following of the French Data Protection Act; in accordance with the RGPD of 25 May 2018, each user has the right to access, modify and delete their data. The exercise of these rights is carried out on request directly to the Publisher.
The Publisher will use its best endeavors to maintain the Website accessible to its users. However, the Publisher shall not be held liable in the event that one or more users are unable to connect to the Website due to any technical fault, bug or any other difficulty linked in particular to network congestion. The Publisher shall not be held liable in the event that the user is unable to use the Website, in whole or in part, for any reason whatsoever, in particular during periods when the information is being updated and/or the programmes necessary for the proper functioning of the Website or the extension of its functionalities are being improved.
The Publisher also accepts no liability for any interruption or malfunction of the Internet. The Publisher further reserves the right to cease operating the Website at any time without notice.
The transfer rates and response times of information circulating between the Internet network and the Website platform are not guaranteed by the Publisher. Indeed, the speed of information circulation is not related to the access service offered by the Publisher, but to the inherent characteristics of online networks in relation to the technical means of absorbing the traffic generated. The Publisher reminds users of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet network and accepts no responsibility for the consequences of users’ connection to this network via the Site.
In particular, the Publisher shall not be held liable for any damage, material or immaterial, caused to users, their computer equipment and the data stored therein, and for the consequences that may arise from this on their activity.
The Publisher shall not be liable for any hypertext links to other resources on the Website or on the Internet, nor for the contamination of computer equipment or the propagation of a virus or other computer infection. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the content of such third-party sites or for the content to which such third-party sites may link. Furthermore, the Publisher is not responsible for the content, products, advertising or any other materials or services presented on such sites.
Affiliated and non-affiliated sites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use and privacy policies. The Publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on such sites. Use of the Website is at the sole risk of the user, who assumes all risks that may arise.
Intellectual Property
The design, form and content of the Website are the exclusive property of the Publisher and the Designer. All data, texts, information, images, photographs or any other content published on the Website are protected under the Intellectual Property Law, which may give rise to civil and criminal sanctions.
Consequently, the user may not under any circumstances reproduce, represent, copy, adapt, alter, modify, download or distribute all or part of the content of the Website or introduce content that would infringe the data contained on the Website.
In particular, any representation in whole or in part of the content of the Website by any means whatsoever, including reproduction of the HTML code, without the prior express written permission of the Publisher is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by law.
More specifically, any reproduction in whole or in part of the trademarks or logos of the Publisher, or its partners, made from elements of the Web Site, without the prior express written permission of the Publisher or the owner of the logo or trademark concerned, is prohibited by law.